Sigrogana Legend 2 Wiki

VitVitality measures your character's physical endurance and combat resilience, directly affecting their maximum Hit Points. This attribute directly influences how much punishment they can endure before being incapacitated. A character with high Vitality is akin to a sturdy fortress, able to weather the storm of battle and emerge victorious, while those lacking in this attribute may find themselves more vulnerable and prone to succumbing to injuries or adversities.

Characters with high Vitality might boast well-defined musculature, radiant skin, and an aura of robust health. In contrast, those with lower Vitality may appear more frail or lackluster, with less-defined muscles and a general lack of physical vigor.

Vitality is attributed to the Water element, as individuals with better control over their physical stamina and overall health have an easier time manipulating the flowing and revitalizing nature of water.


  • Increases WATER ATK by 1 per 1 point.
  • Increases maximum HP by 10 per 1 point.
  • Increases maximum Encumbrance by 1 per 1 point.
  • Physical Stamina is equal to your Scaled VIT.


HP Hit Points · FP Focus Points · XP Experience Points


Str Strength · Wil Will · Ski Skill · Cel Celerity · Def Defense
Res Resistance · Vit Vitality · Fai Faith · Luc Luck
GuilGuile · Sanctity SymbolSanctity · AptAptitude
