Spell Snatch
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Utility |
Max Rank
5 |
Class | Spellthief |
Range | 1 |
3 M 0 FP
| |
Power | -- |
Target | Single |
Enemy Only | |
Steal Chance | Scaled LUC + 10/20/30/40/50% |
The trademark skill of the Spellthief. Targets 1 enemy within 1 Range and attempts to steal a spell from them. Bosses are immune. If successful, you steal the spell and add it to your skill pool as a Copy spell, and the target loses it.
Copy spells are lost if unequipped and do not take up any skill pool slots, but function normally otherwise. You can have a maximum of 1+Rank Copy spells (stealing another one while at max will remove the oldest). All Copy spells will be lost if you begin a battle without Spellthief as one of your classes.