The Rogue can be many things, but if asked for a generalization anyone could answer 'thief'. However this does not limit it to just that, for that is just generalization. The kleptomaniac who has a keen interest in how to open things? A rogue. The headstrong ex-warrior whom favors stealth and somewhat-dirty-but-clever tactics in battle? A rogue. Interpretation is open to the mind.
Has the largest skill pool of any non-Will-based class due to the Resourceful skill. This makes them a good pairing with any other class.
Flank allows the Rogue to deal extra damage with good positioning.
The wind skills enhance the Rogue's odds of survival with boosts to Move, increased Evade, Pocket Sand to Blind, etc.
Rogues need to be careful; their defensive gimmicks do not benefit from DEF/RES as much as they do from CEL/GUI (In order to use Evasion, Southern Wind and Certain Traps to it's full potential), and that makes them quite fragile.