Sigrogana Legend 2 Wiki
Priest Priest
Type Promoted Class
Weapons Tome, Spear
Move 5

Str STR --
Wil WIL +2
Cel CEL +1
Ski SKI --
Def DEF --
Res RES +2
Vit VIT --
Luc LUC --
Fai FAI +3
Guil GUI --
Sanctity Symbol SAN --
Apt APT --

The power of faith is known by practically all people of Sigrogana, having witnessed the war of the gods firsthand. While their number has dwindled, the Priests keep the faith alive. These servants of gods utilize divine magic to aid the faithful and smite the damned.

Given the faith's very wide reach, most Priests are of the Mercalan Church, but those of other gods are not uncommon, either.


  • Powerful healing skills.
  • Can cure multiple status ailments, and provide temporary immunity to them.
  • Possesses reliable attack power with some nice class boosts (receives boosts from equipping staff weapons and staves, in addition to certain other enhancements).
  • Can shut down strategies that rely on creating special tiles.
  • Shine Knights are immune to light and dark damage.


  • Has moderate FP costs with little recovery.
  • Has no way to deal with Interference.
  • Doesn't have synergy with classes that depend on the creation of field effects, such as Verglas.


Requires level 20+ Curate Class.

  • Win a fight while Devotion (talent) is at Rank 5+.
Archer Archer
Arbalest Arbalest · MagicGunner Magic Gunner · Ranger Ranger
Curate Curate
Lanternbearer Lantern Bearer · Priest Priest · Aquamancer Aquamancer
Duelist Duelist
Ghost Ghost · Kensei Kensei · Firebird Firebird
Mage Mage
Evoker Evoker · Hexer Icon Hexer · RuneMagician Rune Magician · Ruler Icon Ruler
Bard Bard
Dancer Dancer · Performer Performer · DarkBardDark Bard
Martialartist Martial Artist
Monk Monk · Verglas Verglas · Boxer Boxer
Rogue Rogue
Engineer Engineer · Voidassassin Void Assassin · Spellthief Spellthief
Soldier Soldier
Blackknight Black Knight · Tactician Tactician · Demon hunter Demon Hunter · Solblader Solblader
Summoner Summoner
GrandSummoner Grand Summoner · Bonder Bonder · ShapeShifter Shapeshifter