Sigrogana Legend 2 Wiki
Mage Mage
Type Base Class
Weapons Tome
Move 5

Str STR --
Wil WIL +2
Cel CEL +1
Ski SKI --
Def DEF --
Res RES +2
Vit VIT --
Luc LUC --
Fai FAI --
Guil GUI --
Sanctity Symbol SAN --
Apt APT --

With a brief incantation and a slight flick of the wrist, a proper Mage can invoke destruction. Charged with arcane forces, these individuals can control and manipulate the battlefield like a conductor leads an orchestra.

Magic has its roots everywhere, but nowadays, Karaten and its Mage's Guilds are the most well known practitioners.


  • Mages have a large variety of offensive, supportive or utility abilities to choose from, making them quite versatile.
  • Their accessibility to various elements can allow them to exploit enemy Elemental Weaknesses.
  • Defensive skills, such as Relent Gale, allow a Mage to compliment them with the appropriate skills to cause additional effects.
  • Blink is a solid movement option, as it ignores disabling status effects that cancel movement skills, for being a "movement spell", and allows you to move while Invoking a higher spell.
  • Certain spells have compatibility with Excel Charges, gaining additional effects by using them up.


  • An enemy's Elemental Resistances tend to be twice effective for damaging spells, since that not only reduces the damage from the specific element, but also goes through their Magic Damage Reduction from RES.
  • The status affliction, Silence, is a good way to stop mages in their tracks, at least defensively, as Whispering Cant still permits only offensive skills to be cast, for a higher FP cost.
  • Casting spells require considerable amounts of FP to be used constantly, and the class lacks the means to recover it without aid of outside sources, or Mage Promotions such as Evoker (Main Class).
  • When enchanted by an Elemental, the Mage will be susceptible to the opposite element to it, taking +25% more damage from it.
Archer Archer
Arbalest Arbalest · MagicGunner Magic Gunner · Ranger Ranger
Curate Curate
Lanternbearer Lantern Bearer · Priest Priest · Aquamancer Aquamancer
Duelist Duelist
Ghost Ghost · Kensei Kensei · Firebird Firebird
Mage Mage
Evoker Evoker · Hexer Icon Hexer · RuneMagician Rune Magician · Ruler Icon Ruler
Bard Bard
Dancer Dancer · Performer Performer · DarkBardDark Bard
Martialartist Martial Artist
Monk Monk · Verglas Verglas · Boxer Boxer
Rogue Rogue
Engineer Engineer · Voidassassin Void Assassin · Spellthief Spellthief
Soldier Soldier
Blackknight Black Knight · Tactician Tactician · Demon hunter Demon Hunter · Solblader Solblader
Summoner Summoner
GrandSummoner Grand Summoner · Bonder Bonder · ShapeShifter Shapeshifter