Oniga is famed for its swordsmanship, and true masters of the art have even earned the title "Kensei" from outside nations. They are described as an almost supernatural force, moving faster than eyesight, and capable of thinking several steps ahead of their opponents.
Can improve their physical damage through the usage of Absolute Death.
Absolute Fear can give the Kensei a slight advantage over magic users, as well as hit-based enemies.
Attempting to trigger the effects of the Innate skills, or the Utility skills, might put you in a disadvantage against the enemy due to diverse reasons, if not handled correctly.
Beware of Tekagen; when equipped at first, the skill will be toggled on. This can put you in a serious disadvantage if you don't toggle it off. Additionally, if you attempt to alter the turn order with it, this can leave you wide open against attacks.
Attempting to get many Kensei skills can and will quickly deplete your Skill Slots, forcing you to carefully choose a selection of skills.
The class does not offer much synergy with other classes anymore, as you need to be a dork wielding only katanas to make any meaningful use of this class.