Sigrogana Legend 2 Wiki
Kensei Kensei
Type Promoted Class
Weapons Sword
Move 6

Str STR +2
Wil WIL --
Cel CEL +2
Ski SKI +2
Def DEF --
Res RES --
Vit VIT --
Luc LUC +2
Fai FAI --
Guil GUI --
Sanctity Symbol SAN --
Apt APT --

Oniga is famed for its swordsmanship, and true masters of the art have even earned the title "Kensei" from outside nations. They are described as an almost supernatural force, moving faster than eyesight, and capable of thinking several steps ahead of their opponents.



  • Attempting to trigger the effects of the Innate skills, or the Utility skills, might put you in a disadvantage against the enemy due to diverse reasons, if not handled correctly.
  • Beware of Tekagen; when equipped at first, the skill will be toggled on. This can put you in a serious disadvantage if you don't toggle it off. Additionally, if you attempt to alter the turn order with it, this can leave you wide open against attacks.
  • Attempting to get many Kensei skills can and will quickly deplete your Skill Slots, forcing you to carefully choose a selection of skills.
  • The class does not offer much synergy with other classes anymore, as you need to be a dork wielding only katanas to make any meaningful use of this class.
  • As said above. You are a dork with a katana.


Requires level 20+ Duelist Class.

  • Win any battle while you are equipped with any Katana type sword on your main hand and nothing equipped on your torso (or Unarmored type armors).
Archer Archer
Arbalest Arbalest · MagicGunner Magic Gunner · Ranger Ranger
Curate Curate
Lanternbearer Lantern Bearer · Priest Priest · Aquamancer Aquamancer
Duelist Duelist
Ghost Ghost · Kensei Kensei · Firebird Firebird
Mage Mage
Evoker Evoker · Hexer Icon Hexer · RuneMagician Rune Magician · Ruler Icon Ruler
Bard Bard
Dancer Dancer · Performer Performer · DarkBardDark Bard
Martialartist Martial Artist
Monk Monk · Verglas Verglas · Boxer Boxer
Rogue Rogue
Engineer Engineer · Voidassassin Void Assassin · Spellthief Spellthief
Soldier Soldier
Blackknight Black Knight · Tactician Tactician · Demon hunter Demon Hunter · Solblader Solblader
Summoner Summoner
GrandSummoner Grand Summoner · Bonder Bonder · ShapeShifter Shapeshifter