Sigrogana Legend 2 Wiki

GuilGuile is a measurement of your character's strategic finesse and overall shrewdness. It symbolizes their knack for outmaneuvering enemies through smarts, capitalizing mainly on making the best out of situational opportunities. As it goes, while Luck gives you the chance and opening to strike deep, Guile is what makes you twist the blade within the opportunity granted.

Guile is attributed to the Acid element, as individuals with cunning and deception employ corrosive and undermining tactics reminiscent of the subtle yet potent effects of acid.


This attribute is the main damage factor for Firearm and Cunning weapon tags, such as Guns and Daggers. Guile also influences the frequency where skill that have the 'Trickery' effect will trigger, at a percentage chance equal to 150% of your Scaled GUI.


  • Increases ACID ATK by 1 per 1 point.
  • Increases Flanking bonus by 1 per point.
  • Increases Critical Damage by 1% per 1 point.
  • Increases Skill Pool size by 1 per 5 points.
  • Decreases Farshot Penalty by 1 per 5 points. (IE, at 40 Guile, the penalty is -2 Hit per tile instead of -10).Pro Tip: Always make sure your Scaled Guile is a multiple of 5 or 0, so you can be within the threshold for additional skill slots. (I.E, 5/10/15/20/25/30,etc.)

HP Hit Points · FP Focus Points · XP Experience Points


Str Strength · Wil Will · Ski Skill · Cel Celerity · Def Defense
Res Resistance · Vit Vitality · Fai Faith · Luc Luck
GuilGuile · Sanctity SymbolSanctity · AptAptitude
