Sigrogana Legend 2 Wiki
Ghost Ghost
Type Promoted Class
Weapons Sword, Axe
Move 6

Str STR --
Wil WIL --
Cel CEL --
Ski SKI --
Def DEF --
Res RES --
Vit VIT --
Luc LUC --
Fai FAI --
Guil GUI --
Sanctity Symbol SAN --
Apt APT --

After coming back from a near-death experience, some Duelists take up the mantle of Ghost. These fighters draw on supernatural endurance and tenacity to harrow their foes, and only become more dangerous and ferocious as their injuries mount.


  • Ghosts becomes slightly stronger and more dangerous to fight against the less HP they have due to Rising Game, and when really low on health, Ether Invitation.
  • Wraithguard, Painproof and Rebound can help majorly with survivability. A Ghost without those can be quite fragile, even if they build to as tank.
  • Haunting can help with mobility and evasion, as it allows you to teleport to a selected location and avoid hazards, while inflicting Fear to nearby Marked enemies.
  • Scarlet Twister can be a great tool to set up big AoE plays for your teammates, as it will make a large quantity of enemies cramp up together in one place.


  • Despite their high damage or utility, most of Ghost's Blood Magic along with a few other skills like Painproof also costs a huge amount of HP% to be used, so tactlessly using them might actually make you meet death much earlier than expected.
  • Wraithguard counts as an unit for your team, which means its mere presence will nullify your One-on-One passive effects, which means, if you were in a 1v1 scenario, you'll lose 5% increased damage and 5% damage reduction.
  • Ether Invitation consumes all Claret Calls you've inflicted on enemies upon use to deal increased damage to your target. However, as it is a basic attack skill, it may have a chance to miss or be parried, in spite of its potency. Additionally, the targets become Unmarkable.
  • Despite having Axe skills, Ghost's base class, Duelist, does not offer that much support for the weapon in terms of increasing its statistics or having skills that use Axes, so that may limit a little your sub-class choices to Soldier or its promotions for a more effective use of the weapon.
  • Cursed blood trait triggers on everything this class does


Requires level 20+ Duelist Class.

  • Win any battle with your HP under 10% (When your health bar becomes 'Red'), while starving.


  • Have the History Trait - Ghost and win any battle.
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Arbalest Arbalest · MagicGunner Magic Gunner · Ranger Ranger
Curate Curate
Lanternbearer Lantern Bearer · Priest Priest · Aquamancer Aquamancer
Duelist Duelist
Ghost Ghost · Kensei Kensei · Firebird Firebird
Mage Mage
Evoker Evoker · Hexer Icon Hexer · RuneMagician Rune Magician · Ruler Icon Ruler
Bard Bard
Dancer Dancer · Performer Performer · DarkBardDark Bard
Martialartist Martial Artist
Monk Monk · Verglas Verglas · Boxer Boxer
Rogue Rogue
Engineer Engineer · Voidassassin Void Assassin · Spellthief Spellthief
Soldier Soldier
Blackknight Black Knight · Tactician Tactician · Demon hunter Demon Hunter · Solblader Solblader
Summoner Summoner
GrandSummoner Grand Summoner · Bonder Bonder · ShapeShifter Shapeshifter