Sigrogana Legend 2 Wiki

FPFocus Points, or FP, is a measurement of the character's ability to retain Focus Energy within their bodies. They are often used in skills and spells, and a significant amount of it may be required to use higher level variants. Focus can be restored through skills, items, or resting at an Inn.


Focus is an ethereal essence that courses through the world of Sigrogana. This force permeates all aspects of existence, subtly influencing both the natural and supernatural phenomena within it. Focus cannot be grasped or perceived directly; instead, it is absorbed passively by living beings during moments of rest, slumber, or nourishment and at best, sensed when gathered in large quantities. While frequently mistaken for life force, Focus differs fundamentally. Depletion of Focus leaves an individual in a critical state of health, yet it does not lead to their demise.

While the control of this energy is not exclusive to any particular race, individuals can learn to harness the accumulated Focus Energy within their bodies to unleash extraordinary feats. These may include striking through a row of enemies with unmatched speed or igniting a campfire with a mere snap of their fingers. Focus serves as the essence of magic, shaping it into tangible forms and abilities. In essence, magic is the manifestation of Focus given shape and purpose.

Your overall capacity of retaining Focus within your body is generally what tends to separate a Mage from a commoner. (Aside the additional arcane studies and incantations knowledge, of course.)

Additional Info[]

Certain races possess unique, natural ways to interact with Focus. The Hyattr, for instance, have the remarkable ability to draw large quantities of Focus from thin air, utilizing it as a catalyst to unleash devastating breaths of fire. Conversely, the Homunculi are crafted with intricately designed bodies that afford them a heightened capacity to retain Focus, surpassing that of most mortal races. As for the enigmatic Lich, its very existence is born from the manipulation and conduction of Focus, transforming it into a magical entity manifested from pure energy. The Zeran have a sensitivity to it due to its Crown of Heaven, but some Mages can sort-of replicate that through the use of magic.

Ideally, Focus bears a resemblance to "Mana" from other RPG settings (which also exists in Sigrogana, merely being Focus in its 'crystallized form'). However, it distinguishes itself as an energy intrinsically woven into the fabric of the world and its inhabitants, rather than being a form of magical energy derived from otherworldly or metaphysical origins, Focus is an integral aspect of Sigrogana's essence, intimately connected to its denizens and the natural order of the realm.

Repeat Action[]

  • Repeating an action on the same round increments a +50% FP cost penalty to that action, making it cost more FP.

Increasing FP[]

Increasing FP is possible through several means. The player may:

  • Gain 5 maximum FP per invested point of Will.
  • Gain 3 maximum FP per invested point of Faith.
  • Gain 2 maximum FP per invested point of Sanctity.
  • The Capacity talent increases maximum FP based on its rank.
  • Certain equipment items and enchants may grant a bonus to maximum FP.
  • Upgrading Glove equipment items grant a maximum of +5 additional FP.
  • Equipping Etherium/Shiverthread material equipment grants additional FP per piece.


HP Hit Points · FP Focus Points · XP Experience Points


Str Strength · Wil Will · Ski Skill · Cel Celerity · Def Defense
Res Resistance · Vit Vitality · Fai Faith · Luc Luck
GuilGuile · Sanctity SymbolSanctity · AptAptitude
