Sigrogana Legend 2 Wiki

Max Rank 10
Subpoint per Rank 1.5

"Fighting is scary, but many don't realize just how terrifying it can be until they're stuck in the middle of it with nowhere to run. Unless, of course, they're brave."

This talent is all about keeping one's self from succumbing to the number of traumatic mental effects one might suffer during battle that serves as a disadvantage, such as Fear or Hesitation. Bravery also allows one to fight more efficiently by utilizing the momentum of the battle by being in the heat of it while allowing for a greater advantage against a panicked or retreating opponent.

Will: Grants resistance to the effect of Fear by Subrank * 16% (Min. of -1 Hit). Reduces the Duration of Fear of Death by Subrank * 1.

Determination: Unfaltering courage grants resistance to the effect of Hesitation equal to Subrank * 15%.

Heat of Battle: While not at the edge of the battlefield: Power increased by Subrank * 1, and Phy % Mag Def VS monsters increased by Subrank * 1%. Bonuses doubled if enemy is at the battlefield's edge.
