Sigrogana Legend 2 Wiki
Sigrogana Legend 2 Wiki
Gen active Board Shaker

Max Rank
Class Black Knight
Range Self

3 M
25/26/27 FP
Power icon Power 110/125/140% Earth ATK + 50/60/70% Scaled WPN ATK + Torso Weight
Target icon Target Circle (4)
Enemy only Enemy Only
Cooldown 4 turns

Slam something heavy, be it your weapon or foot, into the ground, causing it to shake. All enemies in a 4 Range Circle around you take Earth magic damage (this damage is increased by your Torso's weight). Enemies who take damage may also be inflicted with Clumsy for 2 rounds. (Clumsy prevents the use of movement skills besides basic Movement.)

Does not affect flying or airborne units.
