Sigrogana Legend 2 Wiki
Archer Archer
Type Base Class
Weapons Bow, Gun
Move 5

Str STR --
Wil WIL --
Cel CEL +2
Ski SKI +2
Def DEF --
Res RES --
Vit VIT --
Luc LUC +1
Fai FAI --
Guil GUI --
Sanctity Symbol SAN --
Apt APT --

Archers are found here, there, and everywhere. What starts as a necessity for hunting game quickly develops into a keen eye and steady hand; a deadly combination. All it takes is a little practice.

Class Description[]

Archers are very simple users of ranged weapons, such as bows and guns, and like to attack from far away. They can enhance their attacks with special arrows, increasing their damage and letting them make special effect tiles.

Many of their attacking skills gain additional effects if Dynamic Shooting, an innate skill that boosts their Hit rate with Bows and Guns, has a high enough rank, representing the Archer's mastery of complex trick shots.

They also have a variety of useful and unique debilitating status effects.

General Tips[]

  • Because Bow weapons receive significant Hit penalties against targets within 1 Range, position yourself between obstacles, or utilize traps to keep enemies at a distance. Cripple Leg can also severely restrict an enemy's mobility temporarily.
  • During early levels, you will have limited FP, so it may be best to rely on passive skills that increase the potency and reliability of your long-range attacks.
  • Marked Target will apply to traps created by any class. Consider using Rogue as a subclass if you want to pursue a trap-based playstyle.
  • Cripple Arm can significantly lower the damage and hit rate of enemies. Against player characters, it also completely negates their Hands slot's effects and uses, including sub-weapons.


  • Archers are the class most suited towards ranged weapons, mainly bows.
  • They benefit a lot for building SKI/CEL/LUC, because they're able to possess high critical rate with innate skills like Keyshot, or increased Evade with Fortune Wind.
  • Entangle Trap can help you keep your enemies from reaching you, and sometimes when used creatively, can pull an enemy away from you.


  • They are quite fragile due to the average Archer build lacking of DEF, RES and VIT. It is recommended to keep your distance from your enemies. 
  • Enemies in melee range will make an Archer's attacks have a giant penalty to Hit


At level 20+, Archers can become:

  • Magic Gunner (Ditching a ranged physical approach for a more skilled, the usage of Arcane Shells and special parts makes them able to turn guns into Magic Guns.)
  • Arbalest (After seeing that just common bows and arrows weren't enough... How about bigger, heavier bows and arrows?)
  • Ranger (Sticking to the basics of Archery and improving oneself in the wilderness, they learn that nature is truly an Archer's best friend.)
  • ??? (???)
Archer Archer
Arbalest Arbalest · MagicGunner Magic Gunner · Ranger Ranger
Curate Curate
Lanternbearer Lantern Bearer · Priest Priest · Aquamancer Aquamancer
Duelist Duelist
Ghost Ghost · Kensei Kensei · Firebird Firebird
Mage Mage
Evoker Evoker · Hexer Icon Hexer · RuneMagician Rune Magician · Ruler Icon Ruler
Bard Bard
Dancer Dancer · Performer Performer · DarkBardDark Bard
Martialartist Martial Artist
Monk Monk · Verglas Verglas · Boxer Boxer
Rogue Rogue
Engineer Engineer · Voidassassin Void Assassin · Spellthief Spellthief
Soldier Soldier
Blackknight Black Knight · Tactician Tactician · Demon hunter Demon Hunter · Solblader Solblader
Summoner Summoner
GrandSummoner Grand Summoner · Bonder Bonder · ShapeShifter Shapeshifter