Sigrogana Legend 2 Wiki

AptAptitude is a measure of your inherent ability and potential. It represents the skills and talents that you naturally possess, as well as your capacity to develop and refine these abilities over time. A higher level of Aptitude indicates a greater degree of uncovered potential and an enhanced ability to learn and adapt to different situations, whether they are favorable or challenging.

While Aptitude doesn't directly impact your combat skills, it enhances your overall learning capacity, allowing you to grow and improve in both combat-related and non-combat areas.


  • Increases EXP by 1% per 1 point.
  • Every 6 points in Aptitude increases every other stats (except Aptitude) by 1.

Pro Tips[]

  • Having 36, 42* and 49* APT is a good idea, if not mandatory. It also gives a valuable EXP boost, making it one of the most important stats to have on early levels.
  • The "safe" number to spend is often 36. Go for that amount if you have no idea what you are doing.

* (Can also be 43/50, depending on your race. Just spend enough points until the bonus stats are gained/shown.)


HP Hit Points · FP Focus Points · XP Experience Points


Str Strength · Wil Will · Ski Skill · Cel Celerity · Def Defense
Res Resistance · Vit Vitality · Fai Faith · Luc Luck
GuilGuile · Sanctity SymbolSanctity · AptAptitude
